
Technical Log: Pi Camera on the Jetson Nano

A project log for ÓSK Squirrel

An Open Smart Kitchen (OSK) assistant for saving resources and meeting dietary goals by better utilizing the food you squirrel away

manyhatsManyHats 07/28/2019 at 20:210 Comments

A quick test to verify the view angle for the Raspberry Pi camera.

We need a camera in our project to perform computer vision and other typical AI functionality.  Git hub link with full information here.

Technical Parameters

The eLinux Wiki provides the technical information about the camera, including the Angle of View: 62.2 x 48.8 degrees.

Emperical Results

By measuring the distance between the camera and the calibrated target, we determined that the camera has a view angle of ~45 degrees, which is close enough to verify the 48.8 degrees in the spec.
