
A Binary Release for the C0135 "STM8S103 4-Relay Board"

A project log for MODBUS Things with STM8 eForth

Projects (and mishaps) for talking MODBUS to STM8 eForth

thomasThomas 04/14/2020 at 06:270 Comments

I got a reminder from Down-Under not to leave things half-finished: the C0135 board, using the STM8 eForth SWIMCOM binary would communicate but it wouldn't switch any relay.

I must admit that for finishing that job the learning curve for anyone "not I" is a bit too steep. Also I left the new STM8 eForth Modular Build virtually unused for a long time. Sorry to say that but for some people it takes a global pandemic to get some quality time for their hobbies.

Long story short, the STM8 eForth MODBUS repository is in better shape than before, and due to the new automated binary release process there is, well, a binary release for the C0135.

Some more features are planed, e.g. an old-style unified "holding register" address space for "coils", inputs, process values and EEPROM. Currently there are no inputs for the C0135 but that's just about 20 lines of code away (lazy me).

Reminding me helps.
