
Life above 300mv.

A project log for Dirty Clean Power

Super Simple Soil Microbial Fuel Cell

williamolyolsonwilliamolyolson 10/24/2019 at 05:140 Comments

Cell no.10 has been in excess of 300mv for a couple of days now.  Today at 4:19pm, while reading 308mv 1.10ma, I finally removed the incubator coil.  The shuffling about caused the output to drop to 301mv & 1.07ma, it has since recovered to 304mv & 1.09ma.  The output appears quite stable thus far, it will be interesting to see if it continues to increase now that the temps are going to be cooler.

The incubator will again be necessary for boosting up cell no.11 which I will be mixing up sometime tomorrow.
