
Packed and working

A project log for ABPlayer Mini - AudioBook Player

An audio book player based on the DFPlayer Mini module

accidentalrebelAccidentalRebel 11/19/2019 at 03:060 Comments

The project is pretty much done and is working great. Watch the video below to see it's latest incarnation.

One thing that I had to add during assembly was a reset button to reset the ATTiny. This is needed because the battery needs to be connected first before the display. Because the system is already running before the display is added, a reset is needed to restart the sequence so that the display can properly show it's contents.

I also used cut up Sintra boards to hold the components in place. It's ugly but it does the job. The screw on the lower right acts as an anchor plus a way to keep the cover closed.

Overall I'm pretty happy with how the project turned out. The battery capacity needs to be upgraded though to allow longer usage. Thankfully I made disassembly and reassembly easy.
