
1-Hour Board KiCAD Tutorial

An example of a microcontroller breakout of the MSP430G2553 from Texas Instruments

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Board I designed to teach KiCAD to students and coworkers. It's an incredibly simple breakout for the MSP430 that, under perfect circumstances, 'can' be put together in under an hour. To do it right takes more like two, but sadly the silkscreen limits me to one hour, and we all know the silkscreen doesn't lie ;)

Files on GitHub if you want to build your own, plus I have a few extra that should be on Tindie shortly!

NOTE: There is NO WAY to program this board without external hardware. You would need either an existing MSP430 dev kit or other programmer (highly recommend MSP-EXP430G2ET)

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Dan Maloney wrote 12/11/2019 at 16:48 point

I've been teaching myself KiCad lately, mostly using YouTube videos. How does your tutorial work?

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Tom Nardi wrote 12/12/2019 at 03:13 point

Consider me interested as well. I get as far as routing when working on my own, things never seem to go how I want after that.

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Andrew Kowalczyk wrote 12/12/2019 at 03:13 point

It's meant to be an interactive workshop where everyone makes this board. I go through all the basic steps of creating a schematic, generating a netlist, and putting together a board file live, but what I found was that if I do it in an hour most people get very far behind, so I'm still refining it (should probably be more like 2-3hrs so everyone can follow along). It looks like I'll be presenting this again in the next few months for a club I was in at RIT, hoping to get a recording of it next time.

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