Nixie Tube Driver

  • 10 outputs for connecting the nixie tube cathodes (K0-K9)
  • 300V off-state maximum output voltage
  • Compatible with all 5V / 3.3V designs
  • Easy to use with Arduino or Raspberry Pi etc. (only 3 control lines)
  • Available Arduino sample program code
  • Ready to use libraries: Eagle, Altium, KiCad, EasEDA

Project website:


  • Eagle Library
  • Altium Library
  • KiCad Library
  • EasyEDA Library

Download all libraries



// Nixie Tube Driver by Marcin Saj
// Driving Nixie Tubes Example #2
// This example demonstrates how to control up to 6 nixie tubes.
// The control is carried out using up to six Nixie Tube Drivers in serial connection.

#define DIN_PIN   7          // Nixie driver (shift register) serial data input pin             
#define CLK_PIN   6          // Nixie driver clock input pin
#define EN_PIN    5          // Nixie driver enable input pin

// Function prototype with optional parameters
void NixieDisplay(byte digit1 = 10, byte digit2 = 10, byte digit3 = 10, byte digit4 = 10, byte digit5 = 10, byte digit6 = 10);

void setup() 
    pinMode(DIN_PIN, OUTPUT); 
    digitalWrite(DIN_PIN, LOW);    
    pinMode(CLK_PIN, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(CLK_PIN, LOW);         
    pinMode(EN_PIN, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(EN_PIN, LOW);

void loop ()
//NixieDisplay(1, 2);
//NixieDisplay(1, 2, 3);
//NixieDisplay(1, 2, 3, 4);
//NixieDisplay(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
//NixieDisplay(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);   //  NixieDisplay(digit1, digit2, digit3, digit4, digit5, digit6);

// Function with optional parameters 
void NixieDisplay(byte digit1, byte digit2 , byte digit3, byte digit4, byte digit5, byte digit6)
  if (digit6 != 10) ShiftOutData(digit6);
  if (digit5 != 10) ShiftOutData(digit5);
  if (digit4 != 10) ShiftOutData(digit4);
  if (digit3 != 10) ShiftOutData(digit3);
  if (digit2 != 10) ShiftOutData(digit2);
  if (digit1 != 10) ShiftOutData(digit1);

void StartShiftOutData()
  // Ground EN pin and hold low for as long as you are transmitting
  digitalWrite(EN_PIN, 0); 
  // Clear everything out just in case to
  // prepare shift register for bit shifting
  digitalWrite(DIN_PIN, 0);
  digitalWrite(CLK_PIN, 0);  

void ShiftOutData(byte digit)
  // Send data to the nixie drivers 
  for (int i = 15; i >= 0; i--)
    // Set high only the bit that corresponds to the current nixie digit
    if(i == digit) digitalWrite(DIN_PIN, 1); 
    else digitalWrite(DIN_PIN, 0);
    // Register shifts bits on upstroke of CLK pin 
    digitalWrite(CLK_PIN, 1);
    // Set low the data pin after shift to prevent bleed through
    digitalWrite(CLK_PIN, 0);  

void EndShiftOutData()
  // Return the EN pin high to signal chip that it 
  // no longer needs to listen for data
  digitalWrite(EN_PIN, 1);
  // Stop shifting
  digitalWrite(CLK_PIN, 0);    

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