
Take your hands off your face!

Covid-19 Helper Device

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Keep your hands away of your face! Covid-19 Helper Device. You're in safe hands with the maker community! Inspired by anaustralian astrophysicist's idea (kudos to Daniel Reardon) we set ourminds on giving a hand to people out there. MILL's Covid-19 HelperDevice was designed to take your hands off your face. In an effort to gain the upper hand over the virus, we just mixed a couple ofingredients in our magic blender (Adafruit's Circuit Playground Express,Adafruit's MakeCode, some 3D printing) and... voilá. Whenever hands goup, you get an alert on your wristband. Let us see a show of hands:how many of you want one? Let's just hope our project won't fall intothe wrong hands! It's open-source! Do-it-Yourself!

I made this project inspired by this strange and funny news "Astrophysicist gets magnets stuck up nose while inventing coronavirus device" -up-nose-while-inventing-coronavirus-device and because I found the idea very interesting and knew it didn't have to be that complicated to make it :)

Let’s face it — people are gonna touch their faces. Sometimes faces itch, especially during allergy season. But the first step toward quitting something like that is to become cognizant of just how often you do it.


A great way to introduce kids to block based coding and 3D printing. Also a useful project to remind kids about the rules to stop spreading the virus as much as possible!


The electronics needed are ready to be used for your future projects once this one is not needed anymore!


In an effort to gain the upper hand over the virus, we just mixed a couple of ingredients in our magic blender: Adafruit’s Circuit Playground Express, Microsoft Adafruit’s MakeCode, some 3D printing and… voilá. All files are available online. Hackaday hosts the plans necessary to build and code the product.


The product itself paired with a guided lesson from an educator/teacher aims to help children to develop this kind of person/object thinking, making their minds think about how they interact with objects and encouraging them to create ‘expressive new interactions with the world around them’.

All the parts can be prepared at a FabLab and assembled together anywhere else.

  • 1 × Adafruit Circuit Playground Express
  • 1 × Lithium Ion Polymer Battery - 3.7v 500mAh

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Chinna wrote 04/13/2020 at 16:40 point

MIT media lab has implemented how to calculate the hand tilt pattern by using the acceleration in the x,y,z axis.

I did the same as you can see in my blog post. It is to implement in this case.

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Richard Bryan wrote 04/11/2020 at 13:25 point

For our decko watch project, we implemented turn to wake via the accelerometer (lisdh from st).  If you trigger solely based on the accel’s xyz position interrupts then you get a ton of false positives that kill the battery.  

We implemented a simple LTI filter that reduced false positives drastically such that we got 12 month plus battery life on a single cr2032 coin cell

I hope to do a writeup on that filter later this spring or summer

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Mauricio Martins wrote 04/10/2020 at 17:05 point

Yah, I'm just triggering on the accelerometer, to make noise and to flash leds. That works as an alarm when move my hands up to my face ;)

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Dan Maloney wrote 04/10/2020 at 16:20 point

So, are you just triggering on the accelerometer? Id there a pattern of acceleration that's "looks" like a hand going to the face?

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