
Lets talk about the kinematic model.

A project log for DIY hobby servos quadruped robot

Cheap 3D printed 4 legged robot, that almost looks like boston dynamics spot but moves like a newborn.

miguel-ayuso-parrillaMiguel Ayuso Parrilla 05/14/2020 at 12:104 Comments

In this first log i'm going to explain how the kinematic model works.

First thing to take into account is the robot geometry and its DOFs, to ilustrate this, in the next image you see where are they and how they transform. This model is very looking forward, in real robotics first is to make a robust state stimator so you can have smooth meassurements of robots states.

NOTE: All vector are defined inside the robot frame, no world frame is used for now.

So, we have 4 frames on each leg and one which is commun for all, which is the geometric center of the robot (very close to the CoM).

For our setup, there are 2 important frames on the leg, which are the frame0 (coxa frame or first frame on the leg) and frame4 (foot frame or last frame on the leg).

So now, we are going to calculate Inverse Kinematics between those frames. If you want more information on how to calculate IK you can read this article:

As u can see the setup is a bit diferent, but it only change the simetry of the legs, so the analytic function is the same.

Inverse Kinematics are solved on the file, which is basically two functions, one for right legs and the other for the left legs. These functions works as shown:

And the code goes as follow:

def solve_R(coord , coxa , femur , tibia): 
   coord = np.array([x4,y4,z4])
   coxa = L1 
   femur = L2 
   tibia = L3
    D = (coord[1]**2+(-coord[2])**2-coxa**2+(-coord[0])**2-femur**2-tibia**2)/(2*tibia*femur)  
    D = checkdomain(D) #This is just to deal with NaN solutions
    gamma = numpy.arctan2(-numpy.sqrt(1-D**2),D)
    tetta = -numpy.arctan2(coord[2],coord[1])-numpy.arctan2(numpy.sqrt(coord[1]**2+(-coord[2])**2-coxa**2),-coxa)
    alpha = numpy.arctan2(-coord[0],numpy.sqrt(coord[1]**2+(-coord[2])**2-coxa**2))-numpy.arctan2(tibia*numpy.sin(gamma),femur+tibia*numpy.cos(gamma))
    angles = numpy.array([-tetta, alpha, gamma])
    return angles

 Now, we can locate foot in the 3D space, inside the frame0.

Next step is to move the body frame in relation with the feet. Which is essentialy the kinematic model i built, file in the code.

For this, we need to define 3 vectors, the vector from the center to the frame0 or coxa frame is going to be rotated and translated with the desired body position.

The next is the vector from body frame to frame4 or foot frame, this vector is where we want the foot to stay with recpect to world coordinates.

With this two vector we can calculate the IK vector needed for the inverse kinematics just by subtracting body to frame4 and body to frame0.

Now, we want the body to rotate on its 3 dofs and its 3 logitudinal movements, for this, we just multiply the body to frame0 vector by the rototranslation matrix, shown at the next step:

You can see how this woks on the file, where the fuctions for the rototranslations are defined. You only need to multiply these matrix by the vector you want to transform:

def RTmatrix(orientation, position):
    """compose translation and rotation"""
    roll = orientation[0]
    pitch = orientation[1]
    yaw = orientation[2]
    x0 = position[0]
    y0 = position[1]
    z0 = position[2]
    translation = np.matrix([[1, 0, 0, x0],#Translation matrix
                             [0, 1, 0, y0],
                             [0, 0, 1, z0],
                             [0, 0, 0,  1]])
    rotation = Rxyz(roll, pitch, yaw)#rotation matrix
    return rotation*translation
def transform(coord,rotation,translation):
    """transforms a vector to a desire rotation and translation"""
    vector = np.array([[coord[0]],
                       [      1]])
    tranformVector = RTmatrix(rotation,translation)*vector
    return np.array([tranformVector[0,0], tranformVector[1,0], tranformVector[2,0]])

Here there is a figure to ilustrate the rotation of the body with respect to the feet in the pitch rotation:

As the the principal frame is transformed, all other child frames are also transformed,  so in order to keep feet still, we need to undo the fransformation for the frame0 to frame4 vector (IK vector) before IK are solved. This ends with all frames transformed in order to mantein the the frame4 at the same position with respect the BodyFrame.

Here is the code solving that:

    def solve(self, orn , pos , bodytoFeet):
        bodytoFR4 = np.asarray([bodytoFeet[0,0],bodytoFeet[0,1],bodytoFeet[0,2]])
        bodytoFL4 = np.asarray([bodytoFeet[1,0],bodytoFeet[1,1],bodytoFeet[1,2]])
        bodytoBR4 = np.asarray([bodytoFeet[2,0],bodytoFeet[2,1],bodytoFeet[2,2]])
        bodytoBL4 = np.asarray([bodytoFeet[3,0],bodytoFeet[3,1],bodytoFeet[3,2]])

        """defines 4 vertices which rotates with the body"""
        _bodytoFR0 = geo.transform(self.bodytoFR0 , orn, pos)
        _bodytoFL0 = geo.transform(self.bodytoFL0 , orn, pos)
        _bodytoBR0 = geo.transform(self.bodytoBR0 , orn, pos)
        _bodytoBL0 = geo.transform(self.bodytoBL0 , orn, pos)
        """defines coxa_frame to foot_frame leg vector neccesary for IK"""
        FRcoord = bodytoFR4 - _bodytoFR0
        FLcoord = bodytoFL4 - _bodytoFL0
        BRcoord = bodytoBR4 - _bodytoBR0
        BLcoord = bodytoBL4 - _bodytoBL0
        """undo transformation of leg vector to keep feet still"""
        undoOrn = -orn
        undoPos = -pos
        _FRcoord = geo.transform(FRcoord , undoOrn, undoPos)
        _FLcoord = geo.transform(FLcoord , undoOrn, undoPos)
        _BRcoord = geo.transform(BRcoord , undoOrn, undoPos)
        _BLcoord = geo.transform(BLcoord , undoOrn, undoPos)
        """solve inverse kinematics with frame0 to frame4 vector"""
        FR_angles = IK.solve_R(_FRcoord , self.coxa , self.femur , self.tibia)
        FL_angles = IK.solve_L(_FLcoord , self.coxa , self.femur , self.tibia)
        BR_angles = IK.solve_R(_BRcoord , self.coxa , self.femur , self.tibia)
        BL_angles = IK.solve_L(_BLcoord , self.coxa , self.femur , self.tibia)
        _bodytofeetFR = _bodytoFR0 + _FRcoord
        _bodytofeetFL = _bodytoFL0 + _FLcoord
        _bodytofeetBR = _bodytoBR0 + _BRcoord
        _bodytofeetBL = _bodytoBL0 + _BLcoord
        _bodytofeet = np.matrix([[_bodytofeetFR[0] , _bodytofeetFR[1] , _bodytofeetFR[2]],
                                 [_bodytofeetFL[0] , _bodytofeetFL[1] , _bodytofeetFL[2]],
                                 [_bodytofeetBR[0] , _bodytofeetBR[1] , _bodytofeetBR[2]],
                                 [_bodytofeetBL[0] , _bodytofeetBL[1] , _bodytofeetBL[2]]])
        return FR_angles, FL_angles, BR_angles, BL_angles , _bodytofeet

 Here there is a video showing the model in action:

As you see in the video, you can define a initial position for the feet and vary the 6 dof on the body frame, that it may be, for example, the states of a control model.


Thinh wrote 08/17/2023 at 04:53 point

i saw theta_2 depend on theta_3 so with your equation. It mean when i rotate theta_3 servo and caculate again, theta_2 will change? any problem with those equation?

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David Saldaña wrote 03/20/2021 at 03:53 point

Great material! Thank you!

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tpower wrote 01/04/2021 at 14:50 point

Hey, thanks for the great explanation. I'm in the process of building my own robot and have a few questions about your formula please.

"alpha = numpy.arctan2(-coord[0],numpy.sqrt(coord[1]**2+(-coord[2])**2-coxa**2))-numpy.arctan2(tibia*numpy.sin(gamma),femur+tibia*numpy.cos(gamma))"

-> Why is coord [0] = z and coord [1] = x? The original formula is different from your code. Usually[0] = x, [1] = y, [2] = z or not?

-> Why is "-" in front of the coord[0]

Thank you :)

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chienrb wrote 05/09/2021 at 16:48 point

- " coord [0] = z and coord [1] = x " I think it depends on the way you put elements in the array.
- " "-" in front of the coord[0] " it depends on direction with respect to the frame

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