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demo website on how to collect all webapps in a single website using hugo and markdown.

Github repo : all the code is open source


Safety warning




Smart home 3D webapp

Attempt to unify interfaces in one app. Result is quite a success though requires a beast GPU and quite some effort to arrange 3D details and camera positioning to get a nice user experiance out of it.

Led Panel webapp

Home heating app

   web heat control

The control of the heating has a feedback that ensures the execution of the command. The green displayed numbers represent the time since the last status of the zigbee device. Once a slider is modified and a command is sent, a feedback shall be received within few seconds and the time since last message should drop to 0 mn

   python heat windows monitor

  1. adjust your mqtt configuration in config.json
  2. adjust the eurotronic heater topic and apertures (apertures are the contact sensors list)
    "heatings":{        "living heat":{            "topic":"lzig/living heat/set",            "Apertures":[                "balcony door",                "balcony window right",                "balcony window left"            ]        }    }
  1. add the contact sensors to the mqtt subscriptions as well
  2. run the script python raspi/

example eurotronic mqtt payload

zig/living heat {    "current_heating_setpoint":17,    "eurotronic_system_mode":1,    "local_temperature":18.49,    "occupied_heating_setpoint":21,    "unoccupied_heating_setpoint":16,    "eurotronic_error_status":0,    "pi_heating_demand":0,    "battery":100,    "linkquality":44

docu references

Bed Heating app

    Bed Heating hardware

Roborock chat


Hue Light control

Phantom Load cut


Heat cut

Home status

How does this work. In a controlled environemnt where the wifi is reliable, there is no need for wifi status as it is always on. Therefore the led status disable function can be re-used for another purpose. This provide the nicest integration of led status including power supply, mqtt connection without even blocking the socket for other usage.

Below are the control URLs to turn led color on and off :

    "status":{        "red":{            "on":"",            "off":""        },        "blue":{            "on":"",            "off":""        }    }

Roborock button

As Roborock valetudo provides an mqtt interface, all it takes is this script py/hover to order cleaning of a room or a section with a click on an aquara zigbee button.



Note that the following viewer is hosted on github and has therefore a secure connection that shall not swap to a local home connection.

Inactive hosted page

link to inactive viewer

In order to use this script, it is required to host it locally on local raspberry py, see deploy script for deployment convenience. Direct usage from the link would require to authorise cross origin on chrome symbol on right of the adress bar.