
Covid-19 blinker

A simple circuit that blinks out the genome sequence of Covid-19

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with covid screwing with what was left of my precious senior year of high school, I had to take online classes and thus had a lot of time in my hands. So I decided to make a desk ornament for my dad's hospital. It is a simple circuit that blinks out the genome sequence of Covid-19.

*** I accidentally wiped my entire hard drive when installing Linux. I lost the source code, but I will try my best to recreate it.***

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Hpag wrote 05/27/2020 at 09:48 point

How does it work exactly?

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Eric Min wrote 08/14/2020 at 23:57 point

It blinks out the genome code for COVID-19. The 4 LEDs are for each nucleotide, Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, and Cytosine. They blink in order, and the 7-segment display also shows the letter for each nucleotide. Each nucleotide is shown for about half a second.

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Dan Maloney wrote 05/26/2020 at 23:21 point

Bad luck on the hard drive mishap. Best of luck getting back to normal. Keen to see the code when you do.

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Eric Min wrote 08/14/2020 at 23:57 point

Thanks man, I don't know if I will ever have the motivation to re-write the code but if I do I'll post it here asap!

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