
0.0.11 release!

A project log for Ch55xduino

You can simply write code in Arduino IDE and hit one button to flash the ch55x chip to get code running.

deqingdeqing 04/27/2022 at 19:010 Comments

0.0.11 release of ch55xduino 


Update SDCC compiler and support generic selection for print function.

0.0.10 release of ch55xduino

Added Serial 1 support
Added 2.5.0 bootloader support. Also support CH375 driver in Windows
Added HID keyboard/mouse and keyboard/media combo example
Suppressed sdcc script print in stderr
Updated delayMicroseconds, increase accuracy
Added Timer2Interrupt and GPIOInterrupt handler in main

0.0.9 release of ch55xduino

Add support for CH559
By default the CH559 will use the pulled-down pin P46 instead of pulled-up D+ to enter the bootloader.

Add basic support for CH549.
CH549 can not jump to bootloader in usercode.

0.0.8 release of ch55xduino

Add Mass Storage support

Bug fix in UsbSerialAdaptor and CMSIS_DAP example

0.0.7 release of ch55xduino

Add soft I2C support.
Add WS2812 (Neopixel) support.
