Part number: IRF640N


IRF604N is a very fast processing and advanced component to achieve the best possible low resistance silicon field area. This functioning of IRF640N is used for the fast switching rugged speed device for the less dissipation or lossy transmission. It is well known because of its reliability, usage, design and fabrication used in wide range of applications.

Features and Specifications: 

  • Fast switching and reliable speed
  • It is easily operated at the optimum temperature of 175 degree Celsius
  • Fully avalanche rated and dynamic
  • The requirements to drive are simple and reliable
  • The ease of paralleling is achieved
  • Lead and free fully applicable

Pinout configuration and Terminology:

Pinout Schematic: 

As shown in the picture the schematic of IRF640N, the pins drain, sources and gate are connected for the charge transmission and power regulation with the applicable resistance. 


Light control circuit.

Video on Yotube: