
Packaging python executables

A project log for communication through gesture

A trigger is sent to a communications device when a hand moves above an adjustable threshold of acceleration

matt-oppenheimmatt oppenheim 06/30/2020 at 15:100 Comments

There are several libraries for making a python script executable. Some work for some folk some of the time. I am not sure if they all work for all folk all of the time. I used the cx_freeze library successfully with one of my projects. It looks to still be active. Currently I use pyinstaller.

One issue I found using these packaging managers is that the size of the final executable can seem unreasonably large. Of course, a Python environment needs to be wrapped up in the executable. To minimise the size of this,  work in a virtual environment with only the extra modules installed that you need for your script to run. I got this tip from the website here in the post dated
