
Broken anode lead

A project log for circuit sculpture Fail-o-rama

Circuit sculpture using electroforming for organic-ish blinkenlights

jonJon 07/20/2020 at 18:580 Comments

So last night the buck converter had dropped to .02 amps again. This morning it turned out to be a broken anode lead. Of course any exposed anode feed wire will volunteer its copper first and eat through.  It has been jostled enough that the hot glue likely pulled away from one of the junctions.

However, when I checked on it ths morning I had such a pretty brown on the trunk I took it out and washed it up, dried it with a blow drier, and painted the trunk and 2 larger limbs with clear nail polish top coat.

I owe my daughter a new bottle of top coat I think.

Leaving out to dry for a while before I recoat and dry again.

Keeping an eye on the base plate copper to see if it picks up some green and looks a little more like ground.

I also painted a little bit of the solder blobs to see if I could get an exposed root look.
