

A project log for Simple FM Repeater

A simple home brew FM ham radio repeater.

kd9kckKD9KCK 01/28/2021 at 19:280 Comments

I haven't been able to make much progress on the board recently. Mostly due to getting annoyed with the programming not working as I expect. (The interrupts for example.) And also waiting for parts to even try building the next version of the board. (I ordered the radio modules about 2 weeks before Christmas and they still haven't arrived.)

There is also going to be the delay it takes to spin the new board once I pull the trigger and do so. But before I can do that I have to finish laying out the power delivery part of the board to allow for using a supply thats not 3.3 volts. I also have to add some decoupling caps to the power supply lines on both radio modules and the ESP32 as sometimes the radios can brown out the ESP32 with my current power supply I am using.
