
0.2 mm center-to-center circuit board traces

A project log for Minamil 2dc: a minimal CNC mill

Each axis: ̶$̶5̶ ̶$̶8̶ $10 motor+lead screw, 3x LM6UU, 3x 6mm x 100mm rod, 1/8in hardboard, PC case screws

paul-mcclayPaul McClay 04/28/2023 at 21:140 Comments

At 0.2 mm pitch, the remaining copper is pretty near exactly one hairsbreadth:

...and the 0.15 mm traces -- even more thin than a hair -- aren't completely obliterated. The ends anchored to the 0.2 mm traces fared better than the ends that got cut free at the last pitch shrink to 0.1 mm. Maybe <0.2mm could work for short straight links between less thin copper areas -- like sneaking a trace between fine-pitch IC pins? Counting copper and two cuts, that would get a trace through a 0.3 mm gap or maybe smaller.
