
Distance Safety Feature

The project was created as a part of the Basics of Mechatronics course at AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków.

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Program “Proximity_sensor_filtering_by_sort.ino” works using an LIDAR sensor
which can be used to measure distance. If the robot gets too close to the obstacle the “kill
factor” value will turn to 1. The results filtering part takes a certain number of distance
measurement results, then cuts off 25% of the extreme results, and counts the remaining
ones with the arithmetic mean. Kill factor can then be implemented into the driving part of the
program to prevent the robot from bumping into obstacles by “killing” the forward movement.

Parts used in this module:
- Arduino Nano,
- LIDAR sensor.

The project was created as a part of the Basics of Mechatronics course at AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. Authors: Aleksander S.; Rafał W.; Jakub.Z.; Marcin S.; Maciej S.; Maciej.S; Piotr W.; Ibrahim I.; Jakub W.; Borys D.; Jakub.S.; Katarzyna H.; Piotr B.; Tomasz S.

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