
Cheap VR Glasses for Africa

Cheap VR glasses with monochrome OLED displays. Dithering algorithm on movies + display shimmering vertices instead of whole polygons.

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I am trying to make the cheapest glasses, and using as little power as I can, to help out Africa and India.

I am kinda stuck because I am dealing with schizophrenia, but the proof-of-concept is working. You can't stream RGB videos, but the key is that you can stream 1-bit videos, using a dithering algorithm.

Using 2 displays SSD1306 is a bit clunky (you need soldering) but you can use a SSD1306 + SSD1351, for example. One as I2C wiring, the other with SPI wiring.

For VR, you can easily stream information from a server. I manage 100 vertices at any given time. Check the code, it works, or if it doesn't, then do it your way.

I am out of money and out of time, so I'm hoping other people will organize and make it happen. I guess I am dreaming. I'll do it myself just it should take a few months.

I'll keep this project updated.

Thank you,



I don't know if it works, but it's the latest backup

ino - 37.34 kB - 09/29/2020 at 17:52


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