Each of the FlexAR coil is switched on/off using a generic NPN PN2222A transistor (with 1K resistor on the base).  This is the latest code I used to drive it.  Very touchy, you may or may not be able to replicate my result

const byte magnetPins[] = {2, 3, 4};
int delayBetweenMagnets = 20; // ms
int magnetOnTime = 40; // ms
const byte OFF = LOW;
const byte ON = HIGH;

void setup() {
  for (byte i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
    pinMode(magnetPins[i], OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(magnetPins[i], OFF);

void SetMagnets(byte a, byte b, byte c)
  digitalWrite(magnetPins[0], a);
  digitalWrite(magnetPins[1], b);
  digitalWrite(magnetPins[2], c);

// 0-, 01, 12, 2-, 
void loop() {
  SetMagnets(ON, OFF, OFF);  // *--
  SetMagnets(ON, ON, OFF);   // **-
  SetMagnets(OFF, ON, OFF);  // -*-
  SetMagnets(OFF, ON, ON);   // -**
  SetMagnets(OFF, OFF, ON);  // --*
  SetMagnets(ON, OFF, ON);   // *-*