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A project log for USB Apple Extended Keyboard

An upgrade of the Apple Extended Keyboard I USB-ised in the mid 2000s

julian-calabyJulian Calaby 01/04/2022 at 05:210 Comments

[Atomic Shrimp] on Youtube posted a project he was working on here:

This is essentially the same sort of project as the original incarnation of this keyboard, but with the added simplicity of starting off with a chunk of protoboard instead of trying to hack an existing PCB.

He did a lot of things right:

However at the end of this he did come to the correct conclusion: building a key matrix to suit an existing controller is far more complicated and difficult than building a matrix from scratch and programming your controller to suit.

Keyboard design is a compromise between hardware complexity, software complexity, and cost:

Long story short, it's a big game of give and take - on one hand these cost optimisations have enabled us to be able to buy reasonable keyboards for $7 / £3, however the design optimisations required to achieve that have made what should be a very simple device mind-bogglingly complex.

I tend to think of design happening in this rough sequence of phases:

  1. Proof of concept - works well enough to show critical people
  2. First generation manufacturing - can be manufactured in large quantities
  3. Later generation optimised manufacturing - has been extensively analysed to reduce costs

The problem for us hobbyists is that most consumer products are now multiple generations into phase 3 and have been streamlined and optimised to the point where we're unlikely to ever fully understand them.
