
avr-tinyuart - a software UART TX for AVR MCUs

avr-tinyuart - a software UART TX for AVR MCUs

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It can be surprisingly difficult to debug the smallest MCUs of the AVR family - the basic programming interfaces and limited IO make it hard to get real-time information about what your code does.

avr-tinyuart provides a simple yet highly optimized uart tx function. It can be used to print any information to a terminal or to correlate the data with analog signals on an oscilloscope. The tiny footprint makes it suitable for almost any project.

Key Features:
- software only: no UART, timer or interrupt required
- lightweight: uint8_t tx function compiles to as little as 34 bytes flash
- flexible: defines set baud rate, IO and options
- accurate: bit delays accurate to ±0.5 cycles

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