
HDMI incoming...

A project log for Standalone Gameboy Player

Turning Nintendo's Gamecube accessory into a standalone console.

kyokohunterkyokohunter 02/12/2021 at 15:421 Comment

I started this project after coming across InsideGadgets AdvanceVGA board, which adds VGA out to the original Gameboy Advance. I ordered one last December and I can't wait to get it working with the Gameboy Player. Since then I'd also come across the GBAHD project, which uses a SeeedStudio Spartan Edge Accelerator board with an FPGA to add HDMI out. So I thought, why not try both VGA and HDMI out?! I'm excited as this will be my first FPGA project. It'll be a while before I have time to get it working, but I'm looking forward to it and with the help of Codemasterv who has also been investigating the use of GBAHD with the Gameboy Player hopefully we'll crack it sooner rather than later!


Joey wrote 05/01/2021 at 05:47 point

Nice project you got going on! 
Currently working on a custom PCB for the Gameboy Player so I can shove it into a gamecube portable, I could supply you with the files if it would help any when they're done (could add an FFC connector to the board pretty easily to test LCDs quicker). Got the main chips routed out for the most part, just need to go in and place all the small components

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