
10x improve VL53L0x. Volts, laserPOW analog mod

collecting data on distance variation, room temp, voltage on chip, and laser power, results: laser and voltage compensate improve accuracy!

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creative methods of getting chip voltage, laser power from adding a cds cell, and getting temp of room, all data recorded suggests that laser power stability, as well as voltage noise causes the in spec variations in distance. to improve distance accuracy it is apperant that laser output needs to be monitored, and compensated for, and after that voltage plays a smaller part in improving accuracy as long as it is in spec. so compensating for voltage as well. this project uses a version of the casing from have data that captures distance, temp, voltage of chip, and laser output power

i started off with looking at temp variation, and moved on to voltage and then to laser power. 

here is what is used, a ntc temp sensor (not sure of brand or type, it was in arduino parts kit) and a sensor that has been placed inside of a case that limits its field of view of sent out laser 

there is a lot of noise in raw data. to summarize, you will want to monitor chip voltage. if it goes out of spec dont count the measurement of the range for that reading. variations in voltage, and in laser output power cause the noise in the distance range. but it is still within spec of +/-3% when voltage is above 2.6 (device in spec). the voltage and the laser power variations are still being looked into. 

here is an image of what it looked like when sensor was measuring for about 8hrs thru a camera that had IR filter removed. the laser light is not visible. 

here is a close up of sensor, and 10k resistor.

here is up close of board for temp sensor. it is hooked up to output pin d12 set to output low, and to 5vcc pin of nano. vl53l0x is to vin on chip. nothing really special. it is about 6 inches away from VL53l0x lidar chip

after collecting 528 minute of data for temp and for sensor distance. i'm not convinced that temp causes measurement drift, at least off chip. here is a graph of temp from 16c to 12c, and the values are all over the place below. the noise is just to big, and the temp does not change that much over an hour time, but over 8hrs it drops from about 16c to 12c. the vl53L0x is stable for minutes at a time, but drifts up and down about +/-1.5MM in distance measurements over 8hrs time. fluctuation is not correlated to temp. i just dont see it. i suspect the same to be true for the vl6180 sensor that temp is not directly correlated to drift or noise.

data below is filtered to remove most noise.

yes you might be able to make out a pattern but it is not consistent and the data is +/-1.5mm to 2mm all the time. for minutes at a time it remains stable but it does drift. temp is constantly going down from about 16C to 12c over night in a room with no heat on. temp is not the main culprit of shift. 

on a hunch, from working with thermal sensors, i know that voltages can effect results. so i decided to modify code to also capture the voltage of the VL53L0x thru the SDA pin when the device was idle between measurements. this pin is connected to a pull up resistor that goes to chip vcc. when not in use this pin floats to vcc of chip at 2.8v

i have an hour of data included below, but here is a section of it. the green is the variation in voltage *100

the blue is the variation in distance.  it can be generated with volt_and_temp_and_distance code included

this was with filtered data and a short range. when i tried adjusting for voltage noise, i got a lot of variation. so it seams that something is causing voltage spikes, and is somehow causing measurements to vary.

We only get measurements when SDA line is not in use, so it is not pulled low, it is floating to chip vcc

these are filtered results of temp variation and voltage variation. it seems to match but voltage noise is not the main cause of variation. it does cause change, but something else is causing more variation. something is changing. it is not temp, voltage is a cause and should be compensated for, but there is a bigger culprit. 

i got a short segment that i though was promising, but after further looking at voltage, it varies up and down and sensor ranges +/- delta does not account for most of the noise.

but it you want a lot of raw data at 30-50 times a second with no filtering that shows temp, v of chip and distance look at the included file raw_measurment2_21_21.csv

i do see some correlation with voltage and noise, but there seems to be something bigger causing variation. i began to suspect laser output might be cause of variation, so i encased a cds cell inside of case device i...

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messy code that does data collection, both of raw, and filtered mm distance based on voltage delta limits.

Zip Archive - 15.70 kB - 02/04/2021 at 11:16



filtered and unfiltered just by voltage delta.

sheet - 257.13 kB - 02/04/2021 at 11:13



shows noise reduction by voltage delta and laser power output. reduced noise variation by ~2.2 (max-min)=31.8

sheet - 617.20 kB - 02/02/2021 at 19:21



noise reduction using inversion of high frequency in signal. reduced noise variation by ~20 (max-min)=13.8

sheet - 541.32 kB - 02/02/2021 at 19:21



noise reduction, however it is from static data. noise phase and offset as well as noise gain change with actual data. but the noise is a few things. laser power fluctuation (but usually in spec) and voltage spikes.

sheet - 108.99 kB - 01/30/2021 at 10:27


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  • inverting high freq noise stabilizes measurements

    jamesdanielv02/08/2021 at 20:50 0 comments

    taking high frequency noise and inverting it back into main signal output for distance is the way to go. the main source of the noise is from voltage spikes, and laser power variation. i will keep track of when laser measurements are out of spec, or out of control and flag them. i also will use the equivalent of a high frequency pass filter to allow the voltage noise thru, and be amplified and inverted.

    this filter will allow noise thru that takes less than 50 samples or is spiking. so it is wide range. 


    invertL=invertL*0.98+output*0.02;low pass averages 50 samples
    invertH=invertH*0.99+output*0.01; low pass averages 100 samples
    invert1=(invertL-invertH)*100;//we compare the curves of the 50 and 100 samples

    //we limit the response to be within a set percent of output
    if (invert1>output+0.1){invert1=output+.1;} 
     if (invert1<output-0.1){invert1=output-0.1;}

     invertOffset=invertOffset*0.99+output*0.01;//we use this to generate the dc bias. 

    the yellow line below is raw data, with a noise removal adjustment. i still have some work to do since variation is still between 5-8mm in raw data with no additional filtering.

    the green is the raw measurement data, the blue is the in spec data filtered by 10x

    the yellow is the noise compensated raw output. i'm still optimizing gain which currently is set to 1.175

    Serial.print(output-(invert1-invertOffset)*1.175,0);//raw output- inverted noise

    this chart is from 2 seconds after sampling started at ~30-50 samples a second

  • removing voltage variation of +/- 0.01 averave voltage spikes reduces variation.

    jamesdanielv02/04/2021 at 11:11 0 comments

    i have started coding in automatic adjustments for two reasons. 1 simplifies things, and 2 the voltage bias adjusts over time slightly. the file that shows over 5000 samples of data is uploaded here as filteredeffect.xlsx and arduino code used for the sampling and filtering is here arduino_2_4_filtering.ino

    previously i have had excel datat to suggest lowering noise was possible and i was able to do it short term by hard coding the values and calibrating the adc voltage of Arduino with volt meter. by allowing automatic adjustment by the code, manual measurement and calibration is not needed.

    so i'm  average the voltage over 20 samples and then compare to raw data. 

    i hard encode the range to look at.

    #define min_delta_V 0.01 
    #define max_delta_V 0.01  

    i also decided to have data repeat last good value, when voltage out of control limits, this is just so i can compare the same data, and do it live instead of thru excel. i do export it all to excel, but i get all the data in a single run and get to see how the filtering works. i am starting with filtering out out of spec low voltage and out of control variations. in the near future i will be implementing correction from all but the out of spec voltages. for now i am just rejecting these measurements and showing last known value in spec and in control

    most the data looks like this the green is the filtered.

    but sometimes the data looks like this

    the blue is the raw data, the spikes are rejected from looking at the voltage levels. 

    here is another one

    it does not filter it all, but it makes a difference of filtered is a range of (max-min) of 18, versus blue raw data that is a range of (max-min) of 25.

    this is only the first step, reject out of control values and out of spec measurements. 

    next step is to in software on Arduino is to adjust noise and reduce variation from compensation.

    there still will be rejected measurements, for example out of spec low voltages because they are on the range of laser power and bias of laser. 

    currently i reject measurements that are out of spec, out of deviation limits of +/-0.01v, and replace those values with known good values in filtered data, and show unfiltered data column as well.

    i should also add this. the above values are just replaced values when voltage is out of control limits

    here is a graph that also shows voltage delta x100. the spikes are where the green values are replaced with last known good value, and the blue is the raw data. 

  • two different frequencies of noise. laser power and voltage spikes, phase issues

    jamesdanielv02/02/2021 at 19:20 0 comments

    i need to explain. this is not a filter in the normal sense. it does not average out the data. the high pass filter described below is just used as a feedback loop into the raw data. the raw data still needs further filtering, but here we are just trying to reduce variations from noise. the raw output will always have wide swings, until properly filtered if sampling at high speeds for example 30-50 times a second. in software the filtering is like this circuit below. the gain is adjustable to cancel out the correct amount. the raw dat goes in, and comes out with inverted difference of a low pass filter and a comparator of raw data from differential amplifier that gains the signal to invert and compensate output. it is more like noise cancelation, or noise reduction, as it still leaves most of the raw data value there, just removes the spikes that are above average.

    i'm trying to get accurate high speed sample measurements, i know the sensor can do better accuracy when measurements are at 1 time a second. but when doing 30 times a second sampling noise issues are an effect 1 of the following:

    1) out of spec voltage low measurements on the chip (even when voltage regulation is stable and external capacitors)

    2) laser power variation most likely from voltage spikes and internal compensation

    3) voltage spike swings between measurements.

     it is difficult to filter out the voltage as it's phase slightly shifts, and the laser power variation is similar. so i'm taking a different approach, isolate the higher frequencies to cancel them out.

    here is what i came up with.

    (f(2)*0.9+ f(1)*0.1 -f(2) )*gain(1.8)=Δ higher frequency pass filter that is inverted and applied to the raw data

    f(2)- Δ=compensated distance output

    this graph  shows old method. red is 2.2 less than blue. (max-min)

    green: voltage  Δ x 100, yellow: cds sensor for laser power output

    blue: output variation unfiltered MM distance 30 times a second variation (max-min)=34

    red: trying to compensate voltage and laser output. deviation (max-min)=31.8

    i'm having issues looking at voltage and laser output and getting more than 2.2 reduction in noise (all of this is with removing out of spec voltage measurements)

    now when i drop the looking at the voltage measurement except for making sure it is in spec, and drop the laser measurement, and just look at removing the high frequency components of the data here is what i get. 

    keep in mind this is not averaging it is inverting the high frequency.

    with using a high pass filter to create inverted feedback to the raw data the delta of it we get a variation (max-min) of 13.8 so this seams to be the way to go. keep in mind these are raw measurements and when filtered properly should average out over time. i can easily implement this method of noise reduction before filtering data. gain needs to be automatically determined, as well as dc offset so still some more work to do. in this case gain was set to 1.8 and offset was 20 so graphs data would overlap. 

    data used is in files reduceNoise1.xlsx, and reduceNoise2.xlsx

    so next is to move out of excel and into real use.....

  • making data and info public

    jamesdanielv01/30/2021 at 11:35 0 comments

    the info here includes some raw data and some loose code for monitoring distance, laser output and chip voltage, i have yet to upload the compensation methods as they are complex and i have yet to test them. it is easy to graph data and with a whole set average data and look at how samples and noise works, but there are issues of dc bias on the noise as well as gain that need to be better understood. what i can tell for sure so far is that even though regulator power can remain stable the chip itself has power spikes, and internally can compensate for noise, except when it is out of the spec range of the chip voltage.

    if your having issues with one out of 100, or 1 out of 50 huge outliers it is because the chip power use is spiking (assuming laser)

  • votage has a higher consistent variation with distance change over time

    jamesdanielv01/21/2021 at 15:58 0 comments

    the blue color is voltage variation x 100 the distance is scaled by 1. i dc offset the voltage by 5 for so they could be seen next to each other. they do not perfectly overlay, but it is enough for me to design a run that takes distance_mm-((ΔchipV) x100) and see if total distance variation reduces

    my average voltage per the setup is 


    so i will take sample distance -(vsample-2.75458)x100 to get my adjusted distance.

    for original data range of min to max was 2.1688mm measuring a distance of 58mm with 800 averaged samples of 1 sec (but averaged each 30 times a second)

    here is how it samples with voltage compensation.

  • here is how to measure voltage to vl53l0x chip. thru the SDA line

    jamesdanielv01/21/2021 at 02:46 0 comments

    the SDA line is pulled high with a 2k to 10k resistor normally. so when the i2c is idle, measuring the SDA line pin with a 100k resistor, and 100k to gnd will put the adc within a range to see up and down voltage changes. you can use gnd, or a output pin put to gnd, you will need to verify voltage with a volt meter across gnd of 100k resistor and adc pin to adjust gain to see what actual voltage is.

  • sample data suggests temp has no direct correlation to measurement drift!

    jamesdanielv01/21/2021 at 01:01 0 comments

    it is interesting, i logged temp changes over 8 hours, along with measurements over 528 minutes worth, and i can say fore sure in my case, that with my version of the VL53L0x, that temp is not the main noise issue! if it is then it is from a voltage regulator or something not directly related to my temp. here is 8hrs of temp data, and 8hrs of measurement data.

    the first 24 values are required for stabilizing from zero. temp is averaged out over 10 samples with average showing every second but it is updated 30-50 times a second as with VL53L0x lidar. i left heat off in a room and the temp went down consistently over night from about 16deg c to 12deg c. (60F to 53F sensor variation was wide over this time but consistent after stabilizing, there were some up and downs, but it is not consistent with temp. more than likely it has to do with voltage in chip, and possibly temp effect on voltage regulator. needless to say it is quite obvious that temp is not directly related to sensor variation!

    first several values of distance are set to 73 to allow for a zoomed show of variation from +/-3 from 72 on axis rather than +/-73 degrees on axis. there are about 32000 values shown here! data is in article as excel, and cvs and as raw data.

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jamesdanielv wrote 02/02/2021 at 23:11 point

thanks for that. you might be right. I don't need to worry about timing much anymore directly. i have plenty of data that suggests that the noise is from the laser output average power variations and the voltage spikes. the issues with compensating it was the phase was not consistent. it matters less now as a high pass filter with inverted feedback is applied to raw output data. this reduces raw variation to about 13.8 (max-min), +/- ~7, from where it was of about 34 (max-min). i think this is the best i can get the raw variation as you stated the analog state of tech and the speed of digital detection on modern silicon for photon avalanche diodes. but over time the average should be more spot on because the range is more controlled. but this is just conjecture until there is proper data, and Arduino code that shows the results! 

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Brian wrote 02/02/2021 at 21:32 point

You may want to look for variations in laser repetition rate (the laser is pulsed), and small variations in the pulse amplitude using a fast photo-diode and fast oscilloscope.

The trigger point for the time-to-digital converter is done electrically on these devices, so if there is variation in the slope of the rise of the optical pulse it may introduce some timing jitter and add to the measured variation, because the time-to-digital converter is triggered by the rise of the trigger signal to the laser driver, not by photons received by the avalanche photo-diode in the package.

But, the measurement error you are seeing (+-1.5mm) equates to an optical propagation time in air of ~10ps, which is the limit of modern low cost time-to-digital converters, so it would be difficult to improve on.

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