

A project log for Simple RC Car

This is just a simple 4 wheeled robot car run by RPiZero and Arduino Mega

adityaprakash23AdityaPrakash23 02/06/2021 at 14:490 Comments

Today, I wired up the motor connections to the L293D motor driver shield. I then when through a couple of online tutorials to see how to program it. After coding up a single command in the Arduino code, I attached a 6V power supply to the driver and tried to test it. Unfortunately, it didn't work as intended. In the code on M1 motor kept on rotating even if I gave it a stop command. This invites more research and investigation of what is the issue. I suspect that I will need to increase the power supply to probably 9V. But there could be other issues too. For now I am going to keep this project on hold as I have other more important projects ongoing. After the other project is done, I will resume this. I estimate there is only 1-2 days work left.

Also I haven't been able to find the wheel hubs to attach 48mm mecanum wheels to my TT Motors. So this robot is going to be a simple non-holonomic robot car.
