
Final product

A project log for 7 Segment Display Module using DM9368N

Handy 7 seg module that crams two DM9368N and two digits onto a single board that I can plug in on my breadboards.

john-lonerganJohn Lonergan 03/13/2021 at 21:421 Comment

Despite my decision to rebuild this board using a microcontroller instead,  I thought some images of the final product as it exists would be in order.

The bare board

I switched to long pins so there's clearance under the device for wiring. 

This version uses headers with male pins at both ends. In the next variant I'll use female headers with long pins and mount from the top of the board so that I can put jumper wires into the receptacles. Or, perhaps male/male jumpers with long pins at both sides? Either way it will allow for top connection as an option.


Ken Yap wrote 03/13/2021 at 22:37 point

That's a pretty blue display. At first glance looks like it's bicolour but on closer examination the pinkish segments are the unlit ones.

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