
The Final Stretch

A project log for OPL Studio - OPL2 / OPL3 MIDI Interface

a MIDI interface for the OPL2 Audio Board and OPL3 Duo!

maarten-janssenMaarten Janssen 10/26/2022 at 19:430 Comments

The past weeks I've been busy with writing the user manual, figuring out the process for future software updates, tweaking 3D printed parts, documenting and taking pictures for the kit assembly guide and many many more small things to get the first batch of OPL Studio kits ready!

The last big tasks on my list are to give the documentation another read through, finish the website and put together a big demo video. My 3D printer will be running non-stop next week to get all 3D printed parts ready and I will be looking into what will be the best way to pack the kits.

OPL Studio software is now in a state where I'm happy enough to do a first release. Of course there are still many ideas and plans for future updates. Also I'm sure that, even though I tried my best to find and fix all bugs, once OPL Studio is out into the wild there will be new bug that I didn't catch and need fixing!

The finish line is in sight :D
