
Received the v.05 PCBs, and they're almost perfect!

A project log for 10mbps over 1km on a single pair of wires

A simple 46mmx22.5mm module to route power and differential signals (RS-485) over RJ-45

alexander-williamsAlexander Williams 10/16/2022 at 08:590 Comments

I received the v.05 PCBs a couple weeks ago and performed the usual series of tests and burn-in. So far I am extremely satisfied with the way they work - perfectly - but I'm concerned about a some heat dissipation and potentially high current draw.

I'm not yet sure if it's caused by the blue LED which I fitted onto the board, or the low-value biasing resistors...

I'll perform some more tests this coming week and then publish my results, pictures, etc.

I'm aiming to place them online for sale on Tindie within the next 2 weeks, so stay tuned for that.
