
More test using Fourier Transform and Oscilloscope

A project log for Radar Sensor

This project will be using an InnoSent IPM 165C and / or IVS 362 module to sense distance and motion towards / away from the observer.

capt-flatus-oflahertyCapt. Flatus O'Flaherty ☠ 05/29/2021 at 08:570 Comments

I thought it would be a good idea to make some side by side comparisons of the unit operating inside a clutter room and outside, pointing up in the air. A digital high pass filter was used to set all the low frequency fundamentals and first set of harmonics on the FT to zero.

As can be seen, there are a couple of spikes about 1/3 of the way along the horizontal axis on the cluttered room FT that are different from the open air, but it's not particularly obvious. There should be more spikes beyond the 3m mark, which is about 1/2 way along the horizontal, but there's nothing there.

The varactor tuning pin was given a triangular voltage signal as shown below and there was no discernible difference between inside and outside:

I'm thinking that the IVS-362 is under powered and faulty :(
