
GBcompo21 version

A project log for Gameboy Clock

Turn a good old Gameboy into a chiptunes alarm clock

pixjuanPixJuan 12/14/2021 at 20:530 Comments

My quick hack to play LSDJ songs didn't work, so I decided to fully rewrite Clockboy in assembly. As it was a bit frightening to start from scratch a new project in assembly, I disassembled the existing one and started to modify bits here and there until I rewrote most of it and enter GBcompo21 with this new version. I struggled a bit with the DMA and the timings but at the end it now works on the emulators AND the real hardware. I added a little sprite animation when the tune is playing.

I published the code on Github, the assembly is not pretty, but the goal is to allow people to recompile the project to include their own chiptune.

You can download the new version here.

I have a few ideas I might implement if I find the time and motivation, but otherwise I consider this project to be finished!
