
Lamp Base finished, electronics installed

A project log for Subnautica Ghost Leviathan Lamp

A simple lamp using a sculpted Ghost Leviathan from Subnautica and a few RGB LEDs

sir-michael-iiSir Michael II 05/26/2021 at 05:000 Comments

The lamp base printed for about seven hours, a majority of the outer edges peeled off of the print bed slightly, but not enough to cause any major issues. A strip of 60 RGB LEDs was cut down to 24 LEDs to fit the base, wires were run and the strip was hot-glued to the base. Worth mentioning that they were hot-glued without the use of a hot-glue gun, only using a glue stick and a cigarette lighter my brother found somewhere outside. A USB cable was cut to expose the individual wires within, the hot and ground wires soldered to an Arduino Nano. The same was done for the hot, ground, and data wires for the light strip. The Nano was glued down, the generated code uploaded to the board.

Code generator:
