
Vehicle Control Unit

The aim of this project, which was prepared with the support of JLCPCB, is to produce a Vehicle Control Unit. Vehicle control unit is the sy

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The aim of this project, which was prepared with the support of JLCPCB, is to produce a Vehicle Control Unit. Vehicle control unit is the system that controls all data exchange of electric cars. The speed, voltage, current and temperature values of the car are printed on the tablet screen connected to the PCB board in order for the person driving the electric car to have a more ergonomic drive. While driving, data is instantly sent to the pit crew's computer via the GPS system on the PCB. In this way, the person driving the vehicle can be guided by radio commands. There is a buzzer on the card. Thanks to this buzzer, the driver is warned when an error is detected in the vehicle.


The PCB board, whose 3D view is shared in the figure, was drawn on Altium Designer. STM32 was used in the coding studies of the card. This microprocessor was preferred because of the innovative and fast STM board.

  • 1 × STM32 Discrete Semiconductors / Power Transistors and MOSFETs

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