
Parts list and "Assembly Drawing"

A project log for Reflow Plate from Upcycled Hotplate

Up-cycling a breakfast sandwich hotplate from goodwill to create a profile controlled reflow plate.

garrett-brainardGarrett Brainard 07/14/2021 at 23:590 Comments

I added the parts that I am using for the project as well as a rudimentary assembly drawing, mostly for pointing out screw locations, it's very bare bones. 

I've learned so far that hardware is expensive, those screws add up, especially when you have to buy them in packs, I definitely see the merit in using snap connections built into your models, I will visit this in 3D models going forward. That being said I would still have to use screws for mounting most of the electronics, also since this box has main wires inside of it I do want it to be fairly hard to open, I think 8 recessed torx screws accomplishes this pretty well.
