
Reinforcements have arrived

A project log for Desk-ercising with the Exer-desk

Getting a little exercise during the daily grind.

joseph-eoffJoseph Eoff 07/17/2021 at 22:130 Comments

Originally, the legs were "merely" screwed to the counter top with the angle brackets.  There were 32 screws per leg.

The brackets are rather short, though, and the the legs are rather long.

The desk was all wibbly-wobbly (and not in a Doctor Who "timey-wimey" way.)

It made me nervous to have the company owned monitors and computer parked on a desk that felt like it would collapse if I slipped off the saddle of the bike.

I picked up some "not quite 1x2s" at the hardware store this morning and spent this afternoon making some braces to reinforce the legs.

The desk now looks like this:

Industrial ugly, but much more solid.

I still might manage to fall off the saddle and pull the desk over on myself, but at least I don't have to worry about the desk collapsing if I push on it too hard.
If you follow my blog, you might recognize the pictures on the monitors from some of my other projects.  On the left is a Wimshurst machine for generating high voltage.  In the middle is my D43 oscilloscope camera software.  On the right is an image made with my microwave camera.
