
v0.4 Completed bar the glamour shots!

A project log for MeArm - Your Robot

Cheap, Small, Open Source Servo Controlled Robot Arm

benphenoptixben.phenoptix 06/10/2014 at 16:440 Comments

Actually found the time today to finish the list of updates to v0.4.

Added holes for cable management
Cradle redesigned using less fixings and reducing the number of incorrect configurations to one (left handed version
Longer elbow lever
Shortened "pig" (central support) to stop slight flexing on construction - wasn't a problem but people expressed concern.
Swapped fixings on bicep - no long can collide with elbow lever screw
Removed extra holes on base to avoid confusion
Added spare collar and claw clamp as they are most easily broken
Widened collars by 0.2mm to save stickers on the servos
Added extra spacer to reconfig wrist support rod allowing extra height - also adds a 10mm and removes a 6mm screw from build
Resized X slots to better accommodate 12mm fixings. Now you can add nut before mating (excuse any double entredres)

DSLR comes out tomorrow and we can push out the DXFs!
