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A project log for STEbus Stepper Motor Controller

Based on the PPMC-101C controller and L298 high-current driver

keithKeith 11/04/2021 at 12:190 Comments


The STMC uses an intelligent LSI controller which provides all the functions required to drive a stepper motor without intervention from the host computer. In addition, the STMC contains a 2 amp 4-phase driver IC with heatsink, to produce a complete stepper drive module on a single Eurocard. The STMC accepts initialisation data and commands over the STEbus; initialisation data include motor type (3, 4 or 5 phase), starting and maximum pulse rates and number of pulses while accelerating. The STMC can calculate acceleration and deceleration rates, and will accept 8 main commands, including accelerating motion, constant speed motion and position up to 16,777,216 steps, optionally controlled by limit switch inputs, emergency stops and single stepping. In addition to 6 limit and control inputs, there are 8 general purpose TTL inputs and 8 buffered TTL outputs, all on a standard signal-conditioning connector.

Power consumption:

0.5A typical at 5V


