

A project log for LORA Remote Rover Stage 1

LORA Remote Control Rover

andre-powellAndre Powell 12/21/2021 at 18:491 Comment

Ahhh the joys of full up prototyping.

3, 2, 1, SMOKE !

A very jury rigged all four motor with battery, solar cell and sig gen to provide pulses drew a little more current than I was expecting. A thin wire was used in the return path wasn't big enough.

As soon as enabled the sig gen the wire smoked.
While not good not terrible. This was part of the learning exercise. As they say no experiment is a failure if you learn something from it.

So what did I learn.

1. Have a better prototype Wiring Harness using some form of proper distribution technique.

2. Dragging a high quantity of Current which is surprising. I was expecting no more than 800 mA.

This will have an impact on the longevity of a trundling. Well ok ! This is again great as I'm learning new stuff as we go.
Tomorrow I get some pcb screw terminals which I can mount on some vero board, this will be a better form of distribution capability that screw blocks.


John price wrote 12/31/2021 at 04:10 point

Hello sir, newbie to the group, my respects to all here. I do have a question, but before asking, I'm from the vacuum tube era lol, still have a 1959 HP scope that works!! Love my Arduino stuff, too. Anyways, I'm looking over your fantastic project, wondering since you've got an excess of return current, do you think it'd be possible to create a regenerative system, and redirect what wasn't used back into your battery? Wonderful project you have there!

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