
Scilab Delay

A project log for Remote Control Differential Drive Robot Car

A remote control differential drive robot car where the linear & angular velocities of the are controlled using a PID control system.

ghani-lawalGhani Lawal 02/16/2022 at 23:270 Comments

I originally planned to use Scilab to generate to interact with the Arduino and get "Block Simulation experience."  The code was working originally, however I began to get  the "You have to load the toolbox_arduino_v5-x.ino sketch with the arduino software in the Arduino board" error any time I tried to upload the .zcos model, even though the toolbox sketch was already loaded.  I proceeded to take the steps to rectify the error as stated in the comments section of  Eventually even the .sce code to brighten and dim an LED from a potentiometer input would work intermittently.  Using "cmd_analog_out" would cause the program to timeout.  Even when the function did work the value it returned would sometimes incorrectly jump to the highest or lowest.

Due to the unreliability of Scilab's Arduino Toolbox, I have decided to use MATLAB/Simulink instead.
