
[A] Interwoven Tetrinsic possible?

A project log for Tetrinsic [gd0041]

A continuous, motorised fader that is force sensitive and haptic.

kelvinakelvinA 08/14/2023 at 00:130 Comments

Since this new Tetrinsic now has 3D geometric considerations to uphold, I was having trouble thinking about the solution. Thus, I decided to create some rough sketches of the problem in Paint3D. Being able to digitally sketch to help solve problems is the main reason behind the Sketchθ mode in Tetent.

Initial Drafting

The design progression follows the green arrow.

Basically, it was a bunch of drawings to figure out what could and couldn't go where, as well as making it easier to see how design decisions would propogate.

Once it seemed that I had an idea that could work, I continued the sketch in Fusion360 where I could get accurate scaling. It seems that 4.8mm is a good starting point as a Tetrinsic offset. I'm also planning for space for a 4.1 inch HMI, since it's almost the same dimensions as the panel by itself with the main difference being thickness.

As explained in this log, I believe the HMI is the best solution but it's also the one that uses the most space, thus if I can accomodate this display, I could later decide on going with any of the other solutions discussed instead.

In the free space available, I've found this 356575, 2.5Ah battery:

To allow for enough space, I've gone with 17 teeth sprockets. The total height is thus 27.5mm. That's the same height as the TestTetrinsics I printed.
