
[C] It doesn't seem that bullet/markdown CAD is going to work

A project log for enSweepen [gd0096]

Procedural and parametric, node-based CAD for 3D modelling with sketches.

kelvinakelvinA 08/28/2022 at 15:081 Comment

Today I tried to model the Lerge heatsink for the SecSavr Sublime, and I ran out of mental power 34 mins in.

Like I noticed in the previous log, things get difficult when describing sketches. This is where I got to:

For reference, this is about halfway though the model and Me In The Past finished the entire thing in less time, even though I didn't even know how I was going to model it back then:

Thus, a solution... fails.


kelvinA wrote 08/28/2022 at 15:37 point

This does highlight that building Tetent [gd0090] is essential before starting on any programming projects

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