
Keyboard and Display Integration Test

A project log for MCM/70 Reproduction

I am making a full sized MCM/70 reproduction, a Canadian personal computer from 1974.

michael-gardiMichael Gardi 12/01/2022 at 16:570 Comments

With the keyboard and encoder assembled it was time to test. First I had to make changes to the York University MCM/70 emulator. I took the opportunity to switch away from the Wiring Pi library to access the Raspberry Pi's GPIO pins. Wiring Pi has been deprecated so I am now using the pigpio library for both the display and keyboard GPIO access.  Pigpio is installed by default on Raspberry Pi OS. 

The library is referenced in the code through the pigpio header file.

#include <pigpio.h>

 Also when building the code the pigpio library now needs to be referenced.

gcc mcm.c -lGL -lglut -lpigpio -o mcm

It was an easy change since the API calls are very similar.

Here is a short video of the display and keyboard in action. A couple of notes.

I have printed the case cover for the keyboard area. Again these are not the final keycaps so the spacebar in particular shown here is 6U while the original's was 9U. 

Needs a bit of "fit and finish" but getting close.
