
Slowing down a bit

A project log for Vending Machine for Birds

Simple, inexpensive bird feeder that dispenses peanuts in exchange for dropping stuff in a hole. A vending machine for clever birds.

stephen-chaseyStephen Chasey 07/29/2022 at 12:500 Comments

Tired of shaky breadboard connections and rat's nest of wires, but not confident enough to design a proper PCB, so I'm moving eveything to stripboards. I'm also looking at making a new enclosure/containers with PVC pipes. In the meantime, my momentum will slow a bit as I've got other priorities popping up. 

Quick-and-dirty PCB design (red lines are trace cuts, blue lines are bridge wires, didn't bother with component values, just layout).

I've taken the feeder back inside to do this work. Hope to finish the proto-PCB and new enclosure before the end of August.
