
PCB Ordered (thank you PCBWay)

A project log for Vending Machine for Birds

Simple, inexpensive bird feeder that dispenses peanuts in exchange for dropping stuff in a hole. A vending machine for clever birds.

stephen-chaseyStephen Chasey 04/19/2023 at 16:320 Comments

About a year ago, a rep for PCBWay contacted me offering to sponsor my first run of boards. 10 months of testing and troubleshooting and 3 versions of my project later, I was ready to learn Kicad and give this a try.

A couple of weeks before I did this myself, a friend of mine in Texas who is also learning Kicad and I made a simple SMD 555 blinker board. We made our order via PCBWay and he got the boards a week and a half later. The yellow solder mask looked very cool. He soldered the components on one of them and it worked. I felt confident I could design a board for my project and got to work.

After 2 weeks of layout, measuring parts, and checking and rechecking my work I was ready. I zipped up my gerber and drill files and went to to get started making my order.

This was only my second time to do this and the first time to order a board more complex than a blinker.

The process was easy - just indicating how many designs were in my gerbers (4), how many layers in the board (2), how many I wanted (10), and what surface finish (HASL lead-free) and color of the solder mask (blue). For the other things like board material, track thickness, minimum hole size, copper thickness, etc. I just left the defaults. Once I had selected my options, I submitted the order for review. PCBWay has a reviewer sanity-check your gerbers before accepting the order.

I had wanted to use v-cuts so I could break the different components apart. I drew these lines in a user layer and made a note of it in my order comments. It turns out v-cuts must run the length of the board (they cannot stop in the middle), and the reviewer contacted my a few minutes after I submitted. They explained this limitation and offered to use tab routing instead. This is fine by me so I accepted. A few minutes later my order was approved and I could check out. I also was able to see a preview image of what it will look like. A run of 10 of these 2-layer boards measuring 110mm x 140mm with 4 designs was arount 95 USD.




Big thanks again to PCBWay for helping me out with this. Ordering was easy and the reviewer was helpful. I will probably never get out the ferric chloride or sodium persulfate again.

My board fab will take 3-4 days and shipping 4-6 days, so I should have 10 copies of it in about two weeks. If anyone is interested in trying to build this, I'm happy to give a few away after I test one of them.

Once I get the actual boards I'll post some pics.

After I am sure it works, I will make small update to it and make it a shared project on PCBWay. I'll also put the Kicad project on Github so you can tweak it to your requirements and get the latest version. I'm sure I will continue to tweak it a bit over the coming months as I learn more about PCB design.
