
I ♥ Motioneye

A project log for Vending Machine for Birds

Simple, inexpensive bird feeder that dispenses peanuts in exchange for dropping stuff in a hole. A vending machine for clever birds.

stephen-chaseyStephen Chasey 09/13/2023 at 14:150 Comments

So I'm nearly done with setting up monitoring and logging with motioneyeos. I have it running on an RPi Zero W (~15 EUR) with a 160° wide-angle camera module (also ~15 EUR). I have plenty of GPIO to do stuff with.

On the video overlay I am showing:

You can also control the following with buttons on the overlay

The camera records while the IR sesors are on (they are turned on by the PIR). Everything is logged, logs are rotated daily.

The python and bash scripts for this are on GitHub.

I would like to disable  the camera at night to save ~100mA, which would result in a ~1000mAh power savings per day. Have experimented a bit but not found a reliable way to do this yet.
