
04/21/22 - Space is TIGHT

A project log for Hot End Board

Custom board for the hot end of a 3d printer

daniel-graceDaniel Grace 04/21/2022 at 18:220 Comments

I knew the v0.1 was small. I'm starting to try and consolidate my experiments down into a single board, and finalize the aesthetic parts and ... woof.

These are the mounting holes for the front of the v0.1 shroud. The fancy Voron logo is 20mm from side to side. That's what I consider to be the minimum to still be readable. And it takes up almost the entire space I would have if this is where I mounted the board.


Time to figure out a different location to mount. That's difficult since I ideally want it to be usable by someone who did PIF and cannot modify the printed parts before using the board.
