

A project log for Star Wars Mouse Droid (Tatooine Edition)

I made a mouse droid companion for my R2-D2. Unlike its Death Star brethren that are all black, mine is a rusty one from Tatooine.

curiousmarccuriousmarc 04/14/2022 at 05:010 Comments

Adding the greeblies was great fun. I put many random parts I had on hand. A few are related to my R2-D2 build.

The front LED-lit panel is behind one of the R2 doors. It actually has a name but I can't remember it. A laser cut part was available from, as well as an electronics board with the LEDs. I rewrote the controlling software so it gave it a more organic feel rather than the on-off ants march of the original. I think that software has now become the default for the panel in R2s...

The top spiral antennas are rotating, and are actually part of an old egg-beater toy, painted silver

The wires around the spiral antenna go to RCA jacks I had lying around. The main antenna is made from random hardware, and also moves around in a random fashion via a servo.

The right side has a slow rotating fan, and paint trial panels from my R2.

The left side has my favorite greeblie: a large VFD display that displays random numbers,  and strange looking alien glyphs. The circles and lollipops are extra parts from my R2 holoprojector mechanism. The metal cylinders are from cheap flashlight bodies.

The back greeblie is from a dead ceiling mount speaker filter.
