
A C Standard Library for BoxLambda.

A project log for BoxLambda

A retro-style FPGA-based microcomputer. The microcomputer serves as a platform for software and RTL experimentation.

epsilonEpsilon 11/07/2022 at 14:130 Comments

BoxLambda is a hardware-software cross-over project (see About BoxLambda). The previous posts have been mostly about hardware (as far as FPGA logic can be considered hardware). This post will be about software for a change.

I would like to bring up the C standard library on BoxLambda. Having a standard C environment will help with the overall platform bring-up. It also allows us to run third-party C code, which typically assumes the presence of a standard C environment.


This is a summary of the current state of BoxLambda. We have:


I’ll be using the Picolibc standard C library implementation. Picolibc is a Newlib variant, blended with AVR libc, optimized for systems with limited memory. Newlib is the de-facto standard C library implementation for embedded systems.

Building Picolibc

I created a Picolibc fork and added it as a git submodule to BoxLambda’s repository: sub/picolibc/.

Picolibc Configuration Scripts - RV32IMC

A Picolibc build for a new system requires configuration scripts for that system in the picolibc/scripts/ directory. The scripts are named after the selected processor configuration. They specify such things as the compiler toolchain to use, GCC processor architecture flags, and CPP preprocessor flags tweaking specific library features.

I’m using RISCV ISA-string rv32imc as the base name for the new scripts I’m creating. This corresponds with the default -march value of BoxLambda’s GCC toolchain:

riscv32-unknown-elf-gcc -Q --help=target
The following options are target specific:  -mabi=                                ilp32  -malign-data=                         xlen  -march=                               rv32imc  -mbranch-cost=N                       0  -mcmodel=                             medlow  -mcpu=PROCESSOR  -mdiv                                 [disabled]  -mexplicit-relocs                     [disabled]  -mfdiv                                [disabled]  -misa-spec=                           2.2  -mplt                                 [enabled]  -mpreferred-stack-boundary=           0  -mrelax                               [enabled]  -mriscv-attribute                     [enabled]  -msave-restore                        [disabled]  -mshorten-memrefs                     [enabled]  -msmall-data-limit=N                  8  -mstrict-align                        [disabled]  -mtune=PROCESSOR
  Supported ABIs (for use with the -mabi= option):    ilp32 ilp32d ilp32e ilp32f lp64 lp64d lp64f
  Known code models (for use with the -mcmodel= option):    medany medlow
  Supported ISA specs (for use with the -misa-spec= option):    2.2 20190608 20191213
  Known data alignment choices (for use with the -malign-data= option):    natural xlen

The easiest way to create the new scripts is to derive them from existing scripts for similar platforms. I derived the rv32imc configuration files from the existing rv32imac configuration files:

Zicsr stands for RISCV Control and Status Registers. These are always enabled on Ibex.

The differences between the derived scripts and the base scripts are minimal:

Many other configuration flags can be tweaked, but this will do for now. It’s easier to start from something that works and then make incremental changes than it is to start from scratch.

make setup

Building Picolibc.

Building Picolibc.

With the configuration scripts in place, we can build and install the picolibc library. We have to supply a build directory and an install directory. I put the build directory in boxlambda/sw/picolibc-build and the install directory in boxlambda/sw/picolibc-install.

I grouped the picolibc build and install instructions in a setup rule in the top-level Makefile:

PICOLIBC_SUB_DIR= $(abspath sub/picolibc) #This is where the picolibc repository lives
PICOLIBC_BUILD_DIR= sw/picolibc-build #This directory is used to build picolibc for our target.
PICOLIBC_INSTALL_DIR= $(abspath sw/picolibc-install) #This is where picolibc is installed after it has been built.

setup: submodule-setup    mkdir -p $(PICOLIBC_BUILD_DIR)    cd $(PICOLIBC_BUILD_DIR)    $(PICOLIBC_SUB_DIR)/scripts/do-rv32imc-configure -Dprefix=$(PICOLIBC_INSTALL_DIR) -Dspecsdir=$(PICOLIBC_INSTALL_DIR)    ninja    ninja install

Ideally, I would just check in the picolibc install directory. However, that won’t work because the generated files contain absolute paths. This means that a make setup step is necessary to set up the BoxLambda repository. Besides building and installing picolibc, this step will also set up the git submodules used by BoxLambda. This also means that, before make setup is run, the boxlambda/sw/picolibc-build and boxlambda/sw/picolibc-install directories won’t even exist. They are not part of the git repository.

Note that make setup does not make any modifications outside of the BoxLambda directory tree.

Bootstrap - Some Glue Required

Picolibc on BoxLambda.

Picolibc on BoxLambda. Picolibc is a relatively generic code base that needs to be tied to the platform it’s running on to function properly. To bring up the library on BoxLambda, we need to supply three pieces of code:

More detail for each of these follows in the subsections below. I have grouped them into a single software component called bootstrap:

An application wishing to use the standard C library has to link in this bootstrap component along with the picolibc library itself.

The Vector Table

The vector table is a table with code entry points for all sorts of CPU events: interrupts, exceptions, etc. The Boot/Reset Vector, i.e. the very first instruction executed when the CPU comes out of reset, is part of this table.

I’m using the Vector Table from the Hello World example program included in the ibex_wb repository. The Vector Table file is located at boxlambda/sw/bootstrap/vectors.S.

The Ibex Boot/Reset vector is at offset 0x80. After some CPU register initialization, the code branches off to _start, the entry point into picolibc’s crt0 module.

Crt0, C-Run-Time-0, is the Standard C library code in charge of setting up a C environment (zeroing the BSS segment, setting up the stack, etc.) before calling main().

Standard Input, Output, and Error

The picolibc integrator needs to supply stdin, stdout, and stderr instances and associated getc() and putc() implementations to connect them to an actual IO device. We’ll be using the UART as our IO device for the time being. Down the road, we can extend that with keyboard input and screen output implementation.

static struct uart *uartp = 0;

static int uart_putc(char c, FILE *file) {  int res;    (void) file;		/* Not used in this function */
  if (!uartp) {    res = EOF;  }  else {    while (!uart_tx_ready(uartp));    uart_tx(uartp, (uint8_t)c);    res = (int)c;  }    return res;

static int uart_getc(FILE *file) {  int c;  (void) file;		/* Not used in this function */
  if (!uartp) {    c = EOF;  }  else {    while (!uart_rx_ready(uartp));    c = (int)uart_rx(uartp);  }    return c;

static FILE __stdio = FDEV_SETUP_STREAM(uart_putc,

FILE *const stdin = &__stdio;
FILE *const stdout = &__stdio;
FILE *const stderr = &__stdio;

void set_stdio_to_uart(struct uart *uart) {  uartp = uart;


The set_stdio_to_uart() function is to be called from the application, before any standard library calls that require standard IO. The application needs to provide a pointer to an initialized uart object.

The Link Map

We have to tell the linker where in memory to place the program code, data, and stack.

I’m using the Link Map provided by picolibc, slightly modified to include the vector table.

The picolibc link map expects the user to define the following symbols:

I created a link map file for BoxLambda’s internal memory since that’s all we’ve got for the time being. I dedicated the first half (32KB) to the read-only section and the 2nd half (32KB) to the read-write section:

__flash = 0x00000000; /*'flash' is the read-only section of the image, containing code and read-only data*/
__flash_size = 32k;
__ram = 0x00008000;   /*'ram' is the read-write section of the image, containing data segments, bss and stack*/
__ram_size = 32k;
__stack_size = 512;


I can’t say that I like this link map. There’s no good reason to split internal memory in two this way, I don’t like the symbol names being used, and I don’t understand half of what’s going on in this very big and complicated link map file. Now is not the time to design a new link map for BoxLambda though. We don’t even have external memory defined yet. To be revisited.

Linking against the picolibc library

To link the picolibc library into an application image, the picolibc spec file needs to be passed to GCC. The code snippet below is taken from the picolibc_test program’s Makefile:

#Compile with picolibc specs to pull in picolibc library code.
CFLAGS = --specs=$(TOP_DIR)/sw/picolibc-install/picolibc.specs -Wall -g -O1

The picolibc_test Build

All the pieces are now in place to create a test build. I’ll be using the same FPGA build as for the hello_dbg test (Ibex CPU, RISCV-DBG debug core, internal memory, and UART), with a test program that exercises some basic standard C functions, including standard input and output.

The test build project is located here: boxlambda/projects/picolibc_test

Simulation Changes

On the simulation side, I modified the UART co-simulator class so that it can be used to check both UART input and output (before, only UART co-sim input could be checked):

In sim_main.cpp these methods are used like this:

   //In interactive mode, characters entered on stdin go to the UART   //(this is implemented in uartsim.cpp).   //In non-interactive mode (i.e. an automated test), enter a   //character into the UART every 100000 ticks.   if (!interactive_mode && ((contextp->time() % 100000) == 0)) {      uart->enterCharInTxPath(INPUT_TEST_CHAR);   }
   ...   mvprintw(1, 0, "UART Out:");   mvprintw(2, 0, uart->get_rx_string().c_str());   mvprintw(10, 0, "UART In:");   mvprintw(11, 0, uart->get_tx_string().c_str());

The Test Application

The test application program running on the Ibex processor is located in boxlambda/projects/picolibc_test/src/picolibc_test.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "stdio_to_uart.h"
#include "uart.h"
#include "platform.h"

static struct uart uart0;

//_init is executed by picolibc startup code before main().
void _init(void) {  //Set up UART and tie stdio to it.  uart_init(&uart0, (volatile void *) PLATFORM_UART_BASE);  uart_set_baudrate(&uart0, 115200, PLATFORM_CLK_FREQ);  set_stdio_to_uart(&uart0);

int main(void) {  int v = 123;  static char m[10] = {0};  char c;
  //Some basic libc tests:
  memset(m, '!', sizeof(m)-1);    printf("printf in main() v=%d, m=%s.\n", v, m);
  printf("Enter character: ");  c = getc(stdin);  printf("Character entered: ");  putc(c, stdout);     return 0;

Notice the _init() function. This function is executed by the picolibc startup code before calling main(). This is where we set up the UART and stdio.


A quick examination of the generated picolibc_test.elf file shows:

This all fits comfortably within our 64KB internal memory.

readelf -S picolibc_test.elf
There are 20 section headers, starting at offset 0x1b108:

Section Headers:  [Nr] Name              Type            Addr     Off    Size   ES Flg Lk Inf Al  [ 0]                   NULL            00000000 000000 000000 00      0   0  0  [ 1] .init             PROGBITS        00000000 001000 000122 00  AX  0   0  2  [ 2] .text             PROGBITS        00000128 001128 002a38 00  AX  0   0  8  [ 3] .data             PROGBITS        00008000 004000 000028 00  WA  0   0  4  [ 4] .tbss_space       PROGBITS        00008028 004028 000000 00   W  0   0  1  [ 5] .bss              NOBITS          00008028 004028 000018 00  WA  0   0  4  [ 6] .stack            NOBITS          00008040 004028 000200 00  WA  0   0  1  [ 7] .comment          PROGBITS        00000000 004028 00002e 01  MS  0   0  1  [ 8] .riscv.attributes RISCV_ATTRIBUTE 00000000 004056 000026 00      0   0  1
Key to Flags:  W (write), A (alloc), X (execute), M (merge), S (strings), I (info),  L (link order), O (extra OS processing required), G (group), T (TLS),  C (compressed), x (unknown), o (OS specific), E (exclude),  p (processor specific)

Debug and Broken Build systems

As you can imagine, bringing up the picolibc library did require a few debug sessions. Bringing up JTAG debug access early on was a good move. Having debug access from the very first instruction onward was a life-saver.

One of the trickier issues I ran into was due to a source code change not triggering a rebuild. For the time being, I used make force rules to force software builds to always be complete rebuilds. Yes, that is terrible. I’ll have to invest in a proper software build system. That’s a topic for a future post.

Try It Out

Repository setup

  1. Install the Prerequisites.
  2. Get the BoxLambda repository:
    git clone
    cd boxlambda
  3. Switch to the picolibc tag:
    git checkout picolibc
  4. Set up the repository. This initializes the git submodules used and builds picolibc for BoxLambda:
    make setup

Build and Run the Picolibc Test Image on Verilator

  1. Build the test project:
    cd projects/picolibc_test
    make sim
  2. Execute the generated verilator model in interactive mode:
    cd generated
    ./Vmodel -i
  3. You should see something like this:

Picolibc_test on Verilator

Build and Run the Picolibc_test Image on Arty A7

  1. If you’re running on WSL, check BoxLambda’s documentation On WSL section.
  2. Build the test project:
    cd projects/picolibc_test
    make impl
  3. Connect a terminal program such as Putty or Teraterm to Arty’s USB serial port. Settings: 115200 8N1.
  4. Run the project:
    make run
  5. Verify the test program’s output in the terminal. Enter a character to verify that stdin (standard input) is also working.

Picolibc_test on Arty - Putty Terminal

Other Changes

As the project grows, so do the opportunities for improvements. To keep track of everything, I’ve started creating GitHub issues for the BoxLambda repository:

Interesting Links I love video games. I love designing computers. Now I can do both at the same time! If I would purchase this game, you probably won’t be seeing any BoxLambda updates until I complete the game.
