
Final Hardware

A project log for Steward Camera

Open source phenotyping platform

brad-davisBrad Davis 06/19/2022 at 02:300 Comments

I finally got in all of the hardware I want to include in the first version.

- [Arducam 8MP Autofocus NIR Camera](

- [Arducam Hawkeye 64MP RGB Camera](

- [MLX90640 IR Thermal Camera Stemma QT/Qwiic](

- [VL53L4CX Time of Flight Distance Sensor Stemma QT/Qwiic](

Both cameras have been updated and two new sensors have been added. This makes it possible to do leaf area calculations and collecting better data on plant heat stress. We will get into this more as the software gets figured out as it will be easier to show.

The Stemma QT sensors may not make it into a production device but will help a lot with developing the prototype. I am excited to be able to test out the new case designs. I am hoping to finish them soon. 
