
Finished designing the new X1000 SoM (2022-08-29)

A project log for Linkia

Tiny Linux handheld with LoRa+WiFI+BT connectivity.

reimu-notmoeReimu NotMoe 10/21/2022 at 09:340 Comments

Original date: 2022-08-29

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I finished designing the new X1000 SoM, and the main changes were:

It was submitted to the PCB factory in the same day.

It's also worth noticing that this new SoM was not exclusively designed for this project. Now it can be used for other purposes, and even in harsh conditions like industry control (will industry control system designers ever choose a SoM with cute drawings on it? lol). All components on it are qualified for operating in -40 to 85 degrees. I also ensured that every wire has a near continuous ground plane this time.
