
About Pressure Sensors

A project log for LoRaWAN Birdhouse

A Birdhouse with Internet

jan-schlieperJan Schlieper 01/29/2023 at 14:110 Comments

I have been testing the new scale in recent days. One thing that surprised me was the temperature coefficient of the new load cell. To determine the temperature coefficient I had put the scale into the freezer of my refrigerator and watched it warm up just like with the previous scale. I had expected to get a negative temperature coefficient just like with the first one (please see the older posts). But this one has a slightly positive temperature coefficient even though it is the same brand and type of load cell. It looks like each of these load cells need to be tested and measured before being put to use.

I use the following formula to correct the positive temperature coefficient:

And this is what the graph looks like with the correction applied:

There are some good videos on YouTube about the errors (zero, span, linearity) in pressure sensors in case you're interested.
