
WW48.1 PerfMon counters boards

A project log for BrainfuckPC Relay Computer

Von-Neumann 16-bit relay computer with Brainfuck++ instruction set

artem-kashkanovArtem Kashkanov 11/27/2017 at 07:380 Comments

Created and already ordered pcb's for 7-segment display on soviet indicators IV-6. I made one 100x100mm board(5$ x 10pcs on easyeda) with 6 digits, but I'll make 10 boards - 5 boards per line, 

so I will have 30x2 digit display.

Would be used for showing current states of all registers - IR, AR, TR, CMD_R and for instruction retired and cycles count.

3D render is here, dynamic indication, K155TM8 4xD-triggers for anodes and cathodes, atmega168 as controller. 
